Wednesday, May 1, 2019


This has been one of the wettest winters/springs Jerusalem has known. The green hills and wild flowers have been gorgeous. We went hiking with friends south near Jericho, and I went with my friend Trisha north near Tiberias.

The Sea of Galilee


There is a Jewish holiday called Purim that celebrates the story of Esther. While that is one of my favorite Bible stories, it is not my favorite holiday. It has turned into a kind of carnivalesque, drunken display. But, the kids had the day off, and there were gorgeous blue skies, so we went to a park where we heard there were circus performers teaching kids skills.

Spring Visitors

We loved hosting Kim and Brian in March and Trisha in April.

Camping Adventures

Camping in the Negev Desert with friends:

The kids saw a baby goat be born.

We also took a trip up north. This time we just did the foil dinners and then stayed at a cheap AirB&B. Claire was super prepared and lit a one-match fire. After dinner, we had some wild jackal visitors and were glad we didn't have plans to sleep there.

We also visited Haifa and Akko.

February Celebrations


 Our goof:

Birthday Birdwatching:
Taking birthday wishes too seriously:
 Claire's creation: pie-cake-in

Summer Adventures Pt. 2: Utah

We have loved stopping in Utah every summer for the past many years to catch up with family, friends and to enjoy the outdoors. Elodie ...