Thursday, December 13, 2018

Christmas Preparations

Between Claire calendaring our entire month with Christmas activities and the many things this place has to offer, we've been busy this December.

The kids could not wait to decorate the tree after church, so they did it without me while I napped.

The YMCA bell tower and tree lighting:

This Santa has been at three of the events we've been to/heard about. Almost makes you believe he is the real deal (except he has a business card).

The Jerusalem Center tree lighting:

On the hunt for a Bethlehem lookout:

An attempted photo shoot:

Hanukah latkes and donuts (not such a great addition to our health this season):

Making the Santa cake to take to a holiday party (again, I napped in I the only one that sees something fundamentally wrong with decapitating Santa and eating him?)

Melting snowman cookies and pita Christmas trees (Claire has discovered Pinterest):

A mountain of gingerbread men and women (the treats are really piling up in our freezer):

Helping pack food for the needy at Pantry Packers:

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