Monday, January 21, 2019

Jordan Trip #2: Wadi Rum

With the visit of Kara & Dwayne, we decided to go back to Jordan. They wanted to see Petra, and we wanted to experience Wadi Rum, a protected desert area where Bedouins run desert camps and lead tours. We climbed rocks, ran down sand dunes, explored narrow canyons and sat around a campfire with our hosts playing the oud and drum, singing of desert life and their women (who were completely absent from our entire experience in Wadi Rum).

Our camp:

Natural arch:

Running down a sand dune:

Nabatean petroglyphs:

Camel prints (Claire was able to get quite close to some wild ones without scaring them):

Curly desert plants:

A trip to the desert isn't complete without a camel ride:

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Jordan Trip: Aqaba

Aqaba is on the northern tip of the Red Sea. Its sister sister on the Israel side is Eilat. (FYI: This is the easiest place to cross the border between the countries because Jordan will issue a visa on arrival.)

The beach is still by far the most relaxing vacation spot for our family. No one complains, argues, or requests really anything but food all day.

Jordan Trip: Petra

Jonathan and I had both been to Petra ten years ago, but we wanted to be sure the kids got to see it. It was the perfect time of year to go--a little cool--and we hired a guy with a truck to take us to the back entrance, so the kids could hike down instead of up the whole day.

What impresses me about Petra is that the architecture seems a tribute to the natural beauty of the red rock formations. I wonder how the bedouins (who lived in the caves there until recently) feel about their new apartment village nearby. Plumbing, awesome. Concrete--just doesn't inspire.

 Some of the scenery on our hike into the ruins:

The top of the Monastery:

Can you spot the goats?:

Riding in style:
 We covered a lot more ground at the end of the day this way:

The Treasury:

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Jordan Trip: Jerash

Jerash, north of Amman, has the most amazing Roman ruins.

Temple of Zeus:

Stage of South Theater:

The Cardo (Main Street), now quite bumpy:

Scattered, broken columns:

Stairs up to the Temple of Artemis:

Jordan Trip: Amman

We took a four-day trip to Jordan for New Year's. Two nights in Amman and two nights in Aqaba.

The drive from the Allenby Crossing to Amman was quite beautiful this time of year:

We visited the amazing collection of the King's cars:

We also had a fun afternoon at the children's museum:

Visit from Kelsey, Dave and Sophie!

Christmas with family in the place where it all happened. What could be better?

Church Posada activity (thanks, Kelsey, for the last minute ukulele addition!)

At the Garden of Gethsemane:

At the Orson Hyde Garden:

On the ramparts of the Old City:

Gathering on a hill overlooking Bethlehem to sing carols with church members on Christmas Eve:

At Nazareth Village learning about how to make wool yarn:
 In the synagogue at Nazareth Village:

 Watching the big waves at Caesarea:

Some more Christmas activities...

It was a full season of fun this year!

Buche de Noel demonstration:

Festive pomegranate chicken:

Work dinner--lamb, makloubeh ("upside down"), and stuffed zucchini--classic Palestinian dishes:
 Ranya wasn't afraid to decapitate Santa (yes, Jonathan made 2 Santa cakes this year!)

One night Claire had to make 4 different kinds of mini pies:

Free Christmas "trees" in the Old City:

 I thought it might smell good or something. No smell, but potted!

Summer Adventures Pt. 2: Utah

We have loved stopping in Utah every summer for the past many years to catch up with family, friends and to enjoy the outdoors. Elodie ...