Monday, January 21, 2019

Jordan Trip #2: Wadi Rum

With the visit of Kara & Dwayne, we decided to go back to Jordan. They wanted to see Petra, and we wanted to experience Wadi Rum, a protected desert area where Bedouins run desert camps and lead tours. We climbed rocks, ran down sand dunes, explored narrow canyons and sat around a campfire with our hosts playing the oud and drum, singing of desert life and their women (who were completely absent from our entire experience in Wadi Rum).

Our camp:

Natural arch:

Running down a sand dune:

Nabatean petroglyphs:

Camel prints (Claire was able to get quite close to some wild ones without scaring them):

Curly desert plants:

A trip to the desert isn't complete without a camel ride:

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