Sunday, February 10, 2019

Animal Show

Some people throw amazing birthday parties. Can't say that's me.

Visit from Shanghai

During Chinese New Year in February, thirteen friends from Shanghai came to visit! It was so fun to help them plan their itinerary and get to hang out with them. Here are a few highlights.

Visiting Ein Kerem, birthplace of John the Baptist, with Sharon and Venus:

First foray into the Old City with the girls as guides:

Year of the Pig Party:

Attending church with the group:

Caesarea with Ginger and Brenda:
If you want to see some of Ginger's gorgeous photos of the trip, go to our photo gallery.

Bethlehem & Jericho

Sometimes our security restrictions get updated as our security officers monitor the situation. Recently, Bethlehem and Jericho, which are located in the West Bank, were opened to us. Jonathan took a few of the kids one Sunday to Bethlehem (I think they were most excited about trying a restaurant J's local colleagues often talk about). Then, when visitors from Shanghai came, J took them to Jericho and the nearby baptismal site in the Jordan River.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Looking for David & Goliath

It was too gorgeous of a day not to get outdoors, so we went in search of where David fought Goliath. Can't say that we found the spot, but Claire brought her sling just in case. We did go to ruins of an ancient fortification where the Jews fought the Assyrians.

Summer Adventures Pt. 2: Utah

We have loved stopping in Utah every summer for the past many years to catch up with family, friends and to enjoy the outdoors. Elodie ...