Monday, August 3, 2020

Summer Adventures Pt. 1: Washington, DC

Training in DC gave us time to reconnect with our capital and see friends and family.

The Hansens invited us to their lake house, and we got to enjoy home-caught crabs on Rebecca's birthday! (as well as hunt for shark teeth-- how cool!)

Our hotel was right downtown, so I thought we could walk the monuments. Why I made this classic summer DC tourist mistake, I can't remember. The kids were exhausted and grumpy.

Another day I tried to lure them outside again with the promise of a visit to the world's largest library. Total meltdown when we got there and found out you have to be 16 to even get into the stacks of the Library of Congress.

4th of July fireworks were also a bust. Inversion caused a big smoke cloud that obscured most of the show.

Things finally started looking up when Kelsey and Sophie arrived. We had some fun museum visits and yummy food.

Then Grandma came, and we got to go to the new African American Museum of History and Culture, as well as have an excuse to eat more ice cream.

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Summer Adventures Pt. 2: Utah

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